CEPT OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview)

Testing Services


The CEPT Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) test assesses only oral proficiency and is designed to measure communicative competence and spontaneous (i.e., unplanned) language production of the interviewees. Through a series of questions, both general and academic in nature, the fluency, accuracy, and range of the test-taker's spoken English production is assessed.

A test-taker's assessed level of oral proficiency is based on the language scale developed by the world-standard Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). After completing the interview, test-takers are sent an Official Score Report specifying their level of oral proficiency (not overall language proficiency). This test does not assess competence in other skills (i.e., reading and writing). 

  • CEPT OPI test scores are accepted by the International Faculty and Scholars office at UArizona for the purposes of issuing J-1 visas or other short-term visas for potential visiting scholars and student interns. 
  • CEPT OPIs are also administered for UArizona departments wishing to screen the oral proficiency of potential TAs. 



Total cost: $60.00 (US) 
All sales are final. The testing fee is not refundable, transferable, or deferrable.
Any applicant who fails to attend their scheduled interview, or cancels with less than 24 hours' notice, will be required to pay the testing fee again before they can reschedule.

* If your department has offered to sponsor you to take CEPT OPI, please contact the department and have them fill out the sponsorship form below

UA Sponsorship Form


Information about the Test 

  • One format for the test: Q&A (real-time online interview)
  • Length: Approximately 15 minutes 
  • Questions are related to topics that adult test-takers would know or have opinions about.  
  • Scoring of test-taker performance is based on the following components: fluency, accuracy (i.e., grammatical control), range of vocabulary, phonology, and interaction.  
  • Listening skills are also assessed, particularly any difficulties test-takers may have understanding questions posed, and how they negotiate meaning (e.g., asking for clarification) should any comprehension problems arise.  

Test Procedures and Policies

  • The online application requires test-takers to upload an official identification document (e.g., a national ID card, a passport, a driver’s license, or a refugee document). Your name and date of birth must be readable by English speakers, and the photo in the ID must be up-to-date. If your ID does not have your date of birth, we can accept a combination of a school ID (to check the name and the photo) and a birth certificate (to check the name and the date of birth). If you plan to use two IDs, it's best to submit them as one file (i.e., one photo of both documents next to each other). Image files (.png or .jpg) work best.
  • If there is a problem with the application, ID, or payment, CESL will communicate with the test-taker, who will not be allowed to proceed with the interview until all issues are resolved.
  • Typically, interviews are scheduled and conducted within one week of applying for the test. Appointments are available on weekdays in pre-determined 15-minute slots in the morning, afternoon, and evening until 5:15pm (AZ time).
  • The test is conducted online and is a 15-minute interview with an assessment specialist from CESL.
  • Test-takers will use the link that they will receive in the confirmation email.
  • Please see this document for test rules and tips for optimal performance. 

Score Report

  • Within 3-5 business days of completing the CEPT OPI, the test-taker is sent an official score report via e-mail (and pdf attachment) with the proficiency score from the test.
  •  All CEPT OPI scores awarded are final and not open to appeal.
  • Test-takers who wish to re-take the CEPT OPI test must wait at least 14 days to do so from the date the test was completed. After the second attempt, test-takers must wait a minimum of 60 days before taking the test for a third time. For each attempt, test-takers need to apply and pay the testing fee again.
  • The test is scored using a rubric from the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), the world-standard proficiency scale for language assessment.
  • In order to qualify for a J1 visa, test-takers must score a minimum B2 (i.e., highly independent) on the CEFR scale.
  • CESL recommends that any potential visiting scholars or students with teaching responsibilities (this includes prospective international Graduate Assistants) have a minimum score of 44 (this corresponds to mid C1 level of proficiency).
  • The Official Score Report is valid for two years.
  • CEPT OPI test scores are not admissible for UArizona or CESL coursework.
  • After taking the test, if you decide that you'd like CESL to send the official score report again, you will need to pay the score report fee here.
  • Close captioning transcripts and audio-translation tools are not allowed during the interview. This includes Zoom's close captioning feature and Google Translate's audio translation function. In the case of any plagiarism, cheating, assistance, or non-conforming with test procedures, the test will be voided and no score report will be issued. The test-taker may also be prohibited from re-taking the test in the future.





Any questions about CEPT testing can be directed to: cesl@arizona.edu