Discount, Cancellation, and Refund Policies

Discount Policy

CESL's tuition is competitively priced, and we are among the lowest-cost, quality ESL programs on a University campus. We are glad to offer competitive discounts.

Important notes

  • Only one discount per student per session
  • Discounts are on tuition only
  • Tuition and fees must be paid in full by the discount deadline to be eligible for discounts
  • Discounts apply to all programs excluding exceptions listed at the bottom of this page

UA Affiliate Discount: 10% off tuition

Affiliate discounts apply for UA employees, students, scholars and their dependents (spouse, domestic partner, dependent/s) as defined by the University of Arizona policy. 
Affiliate discounts may be used each session until the payment deadline.
Affiliates must show their UA CatCard.

Exceptions: Discounts do not apply to:

  • Tutoring 
  • TEFL/TESOL Certificate Programs 
  • Teacher Training Practicum
  • Skills Intensive Workshop (SIW)
  • Course on Demand (COD)
  • Local Portable Classes (LPC)
  • Seminar Courses
  • PCIs
  • Test registration
  • Late payments

Late Arrivals

Late Arrivals. Students are expected to report and register at CESL on the I-20 report date. If you cannot arrive on the arrival date, please contact CESL admissions office for advice. You will need to defer to the next available session.

Students who arrive late are subject to late fees and cannot be guaranteed ideal placement. There may be a shortage of class textbooks and late students cannot change classes. Late students are subject to the same attendance and student regulations as those who arrive on time. Late arriving students will be marked absent for any classes they missed due to their late arrival. Late arrival may affect the course grade and lessen chances to advance to the next level. Students who do not attend the full 8-week full-time session are not eligible for endorsement.

Late fees: Students arriving late are subject to late fees

  • New students who arrive on or after Friday of intake week will be charged a late orientation fee of $100.
  • New students who fail to complete the placement test by 5:00 PM on Wednesday of intake week will be charged a late test fee of $50.

If a full time student fails to enroll on time and accumulates excessive absences, his/her I-20 will be terminated and they will be dismissed from CESL.

Late arrivals, Finances, and Immigration

In order to begin classes, every student must either pay tuition and fees in full or present a current, valid financial guarantee from a sponsoring agency for CESL.

If an IEP student fails to enroll in time and accumulates excessive absences, his/her I-20 will be terminated.  If a student misses the first week, s/he has already missed too many classes by CESL policy and will not be permitted to enroll.  Late enrollment is not possible after the first week and is discouraged in any case.

Transfer without enrolling

If you transfer to another program or school before you begin at least one session at CESL, there is a $500.00 withdrawal fee and limited refunds. To initiate the transfer we must receive copies of the students' immigration documents, CESL Withdrawal Form and the admission letter and transfer form from the new school.

Refund or Deferral Policy

To receive a refund or deferral, students must officially withdraw. Students with an F-1/J-1 visa must leave the USA within 15 days.

The following fees are not refundable, transferrable, or deferrable:

  • CESL Application fee
  • Testing fee
  • TEFL tuition and fees
  • Practicum fee
  • Tutoring fee
  • Activity fee

There are no refunds or deferrals for partial payments.
There are no refunds for skill intensive workshops or customized courses.

  1. Tuition Refunds. Students who officially withdraw from CESL will receive a partial refund on tuition according to the schedule listed below. There are no refunds after the first week of classes of the current session. Tuition prepaid for future sessions may be refunded up to 90%.

    1. Withdrawing before the first day of class:  90% of tuition and fees

    2. Withdrawing in the first week: 50% of tuition and fees

    3. Withdrawing after the 1st week: no refunds

    Fee Refunds. Student services, health, technology fees are 90% refundable prior to the first day of class.

    Students who do not report, register or attend CESL by the end of the first week of class will forfeit prepaid tuition and fees.

  2. Tuition Deferrals. Students withdrawing or changing programs prior to the end of the first week of class may defer 100% of tuition and fees (other than the application fee) towards the next session. Deferrals not used by the following session will be forfeited (no refunds on deferred tuition or fees). TEFL students may defer tuition until the next TEFL program within one year. Deferred tuition is non-refundable.

Exceptions (Subject to approval of the CESL Director or Associate Director of Finances):

a. Students who are denied a visa for study at CESL will receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees only.

The application fee is non-refundable. Documentation of the denial must be submitted from the US Embassy/Consulate to receive the refund. The refund must be requested before the start of the session.

  1. If a course is canceled due to lack of enrollment, students have the option to transfer to another class, or all tuition and fees will automatically be deferred without penalty to the next session, except for the application fee.

  2. For students who enter the USA with the CESL I-20 and request a transfer before the beginning of their first session, there is a $500.00 withdrawal fee.

Refunds are limited per CESL policy.  CESL gives no refunds except in documented, extenuating circumstances. All refunds must be approved by CESL Administration. If payment was made by cash or check, refunds will be processed through the University Accounts Payable Department. Note that the reimbursement process can take from 4-6 weeks. Credit card refunds are processed directly by CESL via credit back to the original card that was used for payment.