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Tutoring: Face-to-Face, Online, and Hybrid

All of CESL tutoring can be done in one of the formats: face-to-face, fully online, and hybrid. With modern technology, online tutoring provides the same opportunities for practice of all language skills (speaking, listening, writing, and reading) as face-to-face tutoring.

Basic Tutoring - not currently available

Possible Formats: Face-to-Face, Online, and Hybrid

This tutoring is for students who want help with general English. For example, general speaking practice or grammar help are common requests for basic tutoring. Typically, basic tutoring is for students with lower language skills or requests for general English practice.

Elite Tutoring

Possible Formats: Face-to-Face, Online, and Hybrid

This tutoring is for students who need higher-level, more intense tutoring in specific subject areas or specific requests. Typically, elite tutoring is for intermediate and advanced English learners. Below is a list of topics from previous requests. However, CESL will always try to accommodate your request even if it is not on the list.

  • Preparation for TOEFL/ IELTS speaking (or any other section of these exams)
  • Pronunciation
  • Public speaking skills and presentational skills
  • Academic writing or reading
  • Writing for specific purposes (e.g. writing for law, technical reports for engineers)

Skill Intensive Workshops (SIW) - Small group workshops

Possible Formats: Face-to-Face, Online, and Hybrid

A group of two to five students can request an intensive workshop focused on a particular English skill (such as speaking, listening, reading, writing, or grammar). The students must apply, pay and register together.

On-site Group Tutoring

We can offer on-site tutoring labs at your location in Tucson. Tutoring labs would be for individuals or small groups, and an institutional application fee of $100 is charged. In addition, we can send a tutor to your site for set days/times. If you have students or employees who you feel would benefit from having a tutor on-site, please contact us at


How to Apply

Contact Dr. Sumayya Granger at

You will need her approval to enroll in tutoring sessions as she needs to verify she can accommodate your needs and recommend the best tutoring fit. You will also be advised to read our tutoring policies.

Program Details

Have any questions? Contact us below: