Join the CESL Student Activities Team and UA Global's office of International Student Services (ISS) on Saturday, November 16th for a remarkable trip to the unique Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (ASDM). The ASDM is really sort of like a living-breathing zoo and museum in one. You can walk the vast trail network and observe desert animals like coyotes, javalinas, lizards, mountain lions, black bears, and more in their native habitats! Because the Sonoran Desert extends all the way to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico, the ASDM also includes aquariums with aquatic animals and sealife and an optional stingray touch exhibit. From tortoises to tarantulas; hummingbirds to hawks, you can experience the diversity and wealth of wildlife and plant life that makes the Sonoran Desert such a vibrant desert and see what sets it apart from most other deserts in the world.
If you live in Tucson, you absolutely MUST visit the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum to truly understand where you live and why it's been such a special place for desert dwellers for thousands of years!
$20 inludes round-trip transportation and admission to the ASDM and the Stingray-touch exhibit. Bring extra money (optional) for lunch at the Ironwood Cafe or souvenirs in the gift store both located in the museum.
Meet in front of the new UA Global Center on Park Ave. at 7:45am. Bring water, a hat, and comfortable walking shoes. Afternoon temperatures on the grounds can get hot and many areas do not have shade. There is FREE sunscreen located in all of the restrooms at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
Register now to guarantee your spot as spaces are limited. Note, this activty is being co-hosted with ISS as part of their Totally Tucson series of events. You will register and pay via the EventBrite page connected to the ISS website. Click 'Sign up for this activity' below to sign up and then click on the 'Sign up on Eventbrite' link to register and pay.